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In December 2018 the GCC published its Strategy 2019-2023. In its first two years of delivery, digital transformation to the GCC website and registrants’ portal was achieved. Changes were also implemented in fitness to practise and CPD processes, and several new stakeholder communication and engagement activities were launched, helping to further position the GCC as the essential conduit between all stakeholders.

In 2021, following changes to the external healthcare landscape, including the impact from the Covid-19 pandemic and prospects of regulatory reform, Council agreed to develop a new GCC Strategy to better reflect the current situation.


A four-part strategy

The new GCC Strategy 2022-2024 has four distinct parts, each with its own aim and objectives:
1. Patients & Public
2. Chiropractors
3. The Profession
4. The GCC

This more-accessible format creates greater equivalency between each area and their respective aims and objectives, better demonstrates that the GCC is addressing its legislative, corporate and social commitments, and improves understanding of the GCC’s role with the reader, ie. to protect patients and the public, as well as promote the profession through development of standards etc.

Download the GCC Strategy 2022-2024

Our Purpose and Strategic Aims

Find out about our purpose and strategic aims

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International Activities

We participate in a wide range of international activities that contribute to our work and supports the development of chiropractic regulation more widely

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This section includes links to the legislation that governs the regulation of chiropractors in the UK and how we operate

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