Report of consultation on GCC Strategy published
In June 2021, the Council agreed that the draft GCC Strategy 2022-24 should be released for open consultation with the public, registrants and other key stakeholders.
The purpose of the consultation was to seek the views of stakeholders and explore the extent of support for the proposed GCC Strategy aims, objectives and direction of activities over the next three years.
From July to September, the GCC undertook several communication and event-based activities to encourage engagement and feedback, including two registrant webinars, social media campaigning and the creation of an online consultation page with feedback facility. By the end of the consultation, nearly 400 registrants had attended our webinars and over 1,300 people had visited the online consultation page.
The feedback from the consultation has helped the GCC finalise its strategy which was presented and approved by Council in September. The Council was pleased to see the depth and breadth of views.
As promised, and as a prelude to the launch of the new GCC Strategy later this month, we have published this report to acknowledge the wide range of opinions and views from the many respondents.