Nick Jones: The Spinal Column
This month, Nick announces the GCC’s consultation on diagnostic imaging, our new advertising toolkit and publication of the GCC Strategy 2022-24.
03.11.21 Blog
This month, Nick announces the GCC’s consultation on diagnostic imaging, our new advertising toolkit and publication of the GCC Strategy 2022-24.
03.11.21 Blog
To begin, we have published the GCC Strategy 2022-2024. This sets out the four aims and 12 objectives that will drive our activities and outputs over the next three years. Strategic and business planning is now underway ahead of Council approval in December. Again, I thank all registrants and stakeholders who took the time to input into the strategy over the summer.
A priority this year has been the development of draft registrant guidance on the use of diagnostic imaging in chiropractic. This guidance, alongside an expert review of diagnostic imaging within the profession, follows a request by the Coroner at an Inquest. We now seek feedback on the draft guidance before 26 November. The findings from the review, the draft guidance and consultation questions can be accessed on the GCC consultation section of our website.
A further important project launched today is the GCC Advertising Toolkit to accompany our revised and updated guidance. It is designed to help registrants understand and apply the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) and GCC Codes of Practice when developing advertising or promotions.
As a regulated profession, registrants are required to ensure their advertising is legal, decent, honest and truthful, with all claims being accurate and verifiable to ASA/CAP Code standards. My hope is that this toolkit, alongside the social media and website toolkits, which we are launching next month, will help reduce complaints to the GCC and ASA regarding misleading chiropractic advertising.
As ever, I welcome feedback
Nick Jones
Chief Executive and Registrar
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