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As a result of the GCC’s progress on the 15-point Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Action-Plan) 15-point EDI Action plan in 2022, the GCC is proud to have “demonstrated a clear commitment to tackling issues around Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI)”, according to the Professional Standards Authority (PSA) and delivered valuable and insightful projects into improving its EDI activities. In addition, the GCC now has an active EDI working group, has published two new toolkits on EDI and patient communications, and recently published a new EDI policy.

The 15-point Action Plan aims to ensure the GCC as an organisation, and the chiropractic profession, are as diverse and inclusive as possible, providing equal opportunities for all. The action plan will continue to be adapted and improved over the next two years to deliver practical resources for Council and registrants.

In December, the GCC conducted a Fitness to Practise (FtP) review to identify whether its FtP processes are fair, non-biased, and non-discriminatory. This will inform the ongoing work with the GCC’s 15-point Action Plan alongside the help of the EDI Working group. You can read more about the findings from the FtP review in next month’s newsletter.