GCC Strategy 2022-2024 Consultation
Seeking your views on the proposed GCC Strategy 2022-2024
Seeking your views on the proposed GCC Strategy 2022-2024
Following changes to the external health and care landscape, including the significant impact from the Covid-19 pandemic and more immediate prospects of regulatory reform, Council agreed to the development of a new three-year GCC strategy.
The new strategy has four aims, one for each of the following :
1) Patients and Public
2) Chiropractors
3) The GCC
4) The Profession
Below in the pull-down boxes, we have provided the purpose and rationale for each aim alongside their three distinct objectives. We have also added the expected deliverables upon full delivery of the strategy. Finally, we have included our rationale on why people and diversity are so important in the delivery of the overall strategy.
To ensure the strategy has broad approval from stakeholders, we are seeking your views and input to the overall strategy, its aims and objectives. At the foot of the page we have added three questions which we would like you to consider and respond using the feedback form. The full GCC Strategy 2022-2024 document can be found here.
This Aim will be achieved through the delivery of three objectives:
1A) To gain a greater understanding of patients’ needs and expectations so these can be reflected in the work of the GCC.
1B) To promote and enforce standards that take full account of patients’ needs and legitimate expectations.
1C) To enhance the information the GCC provides to help patients make better informed judgements about their chiropractic care.
For the GCC to ensure the views and experiences of patients are central to its regulatory decision-making processes and activities. Our focus will be on seeking meaningful patient input on issues of genuine concern to them, along with maximising opportunities for patients and the public to share their views, thereby improving the quality of care and enhancing the safety of patients. Patients expect registrants to report to the Chiropractic Patient Incident Reporting and Learning System (CPiRLS) when things go wrong and for lessons to be learnt, thereby reducing any potential reoccurrence.
The safety of patients is central to the work of the GCC, determining all its actions and outcomes. The needs of patients shape the chiropractic profession, from undergraduate academic requirements to development and regulation of The Code. It is vital that the views and experiences of patients and the public are proactively sought and considered in all GCC decision-making activity.
Patients and the public offer real-life insight to the profession and an external perspective which the GCC and registrants lack. Without these, the GCC and profession cannot fully understand if their actions and activities meet the needs and expectations of the people that they are legally bound to protect.
This aim will be achieved through the delivery of three objectives:
2A) To identify, collect and analyse data and insights from regulatory and statutory activity.
2B) To share learning through the gathering and dissemination of GCC internal data and public, patient and registrant research.
2C) To work with education providers and stakeholders to develop and promote professionalism in registrants from the start to end of their careers.
For the GCC to focus its resources towards preventative projects and actions, thereby reducing the level of its regulatory interventions. The aim will be achieved by directing GCC resources upstream, most notably increased and enhanced communication and engagement with the profession.
Although the GCC has made progress in this area, more can be done to shift the focus from short-term, case-by-case interventions to identifying and addressing systemic issues that may exist within the profession – for example around advertising, consent and communication. We will review our Guidance, Education standards and strengthen CPD.
Professionalism encompasses a core set of qualities, skills, competences and behaviours that all health professionals are expected to uphold. This includes working to defined standards of performance, demonstrating evidence-based clinical reasoning and decision-making, managing sensitive information and considering complex ethical and moral issues.
Chiropractors can demonstrate professionalism by adhering to the GCC Code, working within their capabilities and competence, maintaining and developing professional relationships and expertise and, most importantly, delivering safe, effective and compassionate care to their patients.
Upholding and maintaining professionalism is essential as serious failings in conduct or performance have the potential to undermine public confidence in the chiropractic profession. In turn, this affects the willingness of patients to seek chiropractic care and deters people from entering the profession.
This Aim will be achieved through the delivery of three objectives:
3A) To take appropriate and measured action on complaints, the misuse of title, or when registration requirements, including annual CPD fulfilment, are not met.
3B) To set and promote educational, professional and registration requirements that are appropriate and fit for purpose.
3C) To be a sustainable and effective organisation committed to equality, diversity and fairness.
For the GCC to undertake its statutory duties more effectively and efficiently, improving fitness to practise and registration processes and setting the highest of standards for chiropractic, all of which benefit patients, practitioners and the profession as a whole.
Key to achieving this aim is recruiting, developing and retaining skilled, professional employees who are passionate about developing the profession that they oversee. A diverse, dedicated and enthusiastic team working collectively toward a shared vision can achieve more than their individual roles, if encouraged and nurtured.
Although the GCC is somewhat constrained under the provisions of the Chiropractors Act (1994), this does not prevent the organisation from continuing to seek improvements in how it operates and leads the chiropractic profession.
As the health and care sector evolves, recognising and adjusting to ever-changing patient, technological, political and environmental needs, so must the GCC and the chiropractic profession. Core to this is ensuring the GCC’s regulatory functions and actions continue to be fit-for-purpose and relevant to the environment in which it operates. This includes ensuring educational standards are aligned with today’s ever-more complex and diverse health and care requirements and that registrants continue to develop and enhance their skills and abilities throughout their careers.
Through social and legislative initiatives, the UK is slowly adapting and working toward becoming a more inclusive and accepting society. With this, the GCC will embed equality, diversity, inclusion and fairness throughout its functions and processes, ensuring these elements are core to all that it does.
This Aim will be achieved through the delivery of three objectives:
4A) To ‘shape the future’ of regulation of the profession by influencing the conclusions of the DHSC consultation and review of health and care regulation.
4B) To foster knowledge sharing and expertise, drive efficiencies and seek opportunities to delegate and/or attain economies of scale.
4C) To take forward the development of rules to be applied upon agreed legislative change.
For the GCC to share and input its knowledge, experience and expertise without prejudice and to influence the future direction and shape of the regulation of the profession. Working collectively and collaboratively when possible, the GCC aims to position chiropractic as an ever-more essential and valuable component of the UK health and care system for the benefit of the public, NHS and the profession.
Reform of professional health and care regulation is underway. Over the next few years, decisions will be taken on which changes are to be made and to whom.
Ultimately, the design of the regulatory system is for government to decide. The GCC offers its knowledge, expertise and experience – alongside those of patients, the public and the profession – to strengthen the reform proposals and improve the current health and care regulatory system.
As with many commercial and third sector organisations, the drive for greater efficiency and effectiveness has led to collaborative and innovative solutions. The GCC sees opportunities for greater collaboration with our regulatory partners and believe that benefits from doing so will flow, both in relation to efficiencies and maintaining the regulatory distinctiveness of the chiropractic profession.
The GCC must be ready to take swift advantage of the ability of regulators to establish ‘rules’ that enhance flexibility and improve regulation (taking into account the outdated nature of the current GCC rules). This will be subject to the GCC being granted the ability to do so, requiring extensive consultation with patients, the profession and other stakeholders.
Success in delivering all 12 objectives will be seen in:
For Patients and Public:
For Chiropractors:
For GCC:
For the Profession:
For this strategy to succeed, it is essential that we recognise and value all the people involved in its delivery and impact. The GCC has a small, dedicated group of employees working hard to fulfil its regulatory functions. It is therefore essential that we support and nurture this talent, providing opportunities for professional growth and development while maintaining a good work/life balance. Our employees are committed to the aims of the GCC.
As well as its employees, the GCC works most effectively with the support of its many partners who serve on its Council, committees and panels. Their knowledge, expertise and dedication in undertaking a variety of roles ensures we operate well. We must maintain and build on these relationships, maximising the value from every meeting and ensuring lay and registrant partners are recognised for their commitment to the GCC and the chiropractic profession.
Finally, all organisations must meet legal duties on equality and diversity. At the same time, equality, diversity, inclusion and fairness is not a simple tick-box exercise. It must be embedded, embraced and lived by the organisation, its functions and the people who work within it. We must exemplify those values. Woven through our aims is a commitment to inclusivity and diversity in the way that we work and in encouraging the profession and other stakeholders to work with us on that endeavour. It will require joint action.
Nick Jones Teams Live event presentation: PowerPoint and PDF versions. (25 August 2021)
Nick Jones Teams Live event presentation: PowerPoint and PDF versions. (6 September 2021)
1) In the draft strategy, we have proposed four key aims? Do you agree or disagree with these aims? You can comment on any number of the aims.
2) For each aim, we have created three objectives. Do you agree or disagee with these objectives and that achieving these objectives will fulfill their respective aims? You can comment on any number of objectives. (Please specify which objectives you are commenting on i.e. 3A etc)?
3) Do you have any other comments regarding the draft GCC Strategy 2022-2024?
Closing date for consultation is 3 September 2021.
If you would like to be included in one of the future GCC Virtual Events, please complete and submit your contact details.