Insurance and Indemnity Arrangements
Find out about your required insurance and indemnity arrangements
Find out about your required insurance and indemnity arrangements
All chiropractors practising in the UK must have indemnity arrangements in place to cover them for any claims made against them, before beginning to practise.
Practising includes hands on treatment of patients as well as offering chiropractic services, e.g., through advertising.
This means that, in the event a patient claims that a chiropractor has been negligent, there are arrangements in place to help with your legal costs and any funds awarded to the patient.
You can view our indemnity rules here
You can update your indemnity details via the online portal. All registrants must ensure they update us at the time their indemnity arrangements are due for renewal.
Important: if you are applying to the register for the first time, restoring your name or transferring to practising registration, we cannot complete the process until your insurance comes into force.
While we recommend you refer to the rules directly (see above), your indemnity arrangements must include the following points:
We know that professionals are sometimes registered with us but may not be practising for short periods of time. For example, you might be on a career break or looking for employment. If you are registered with us, but not practising, we will not expect you to have a professional indemnity arrangement in place. However, we will expect you to have the arrangement in place when you begin to practise again and also for past periods of practise.
We consider allowing indemnity arrangements to lapse as a serious matter. Our indemnity rules allow the Registrar to either refer such a matter to the Investigating Committee, or to remove a registrant from the register.