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At its December meeting the General Chiropractic Council gave approval to three new Chiropractic Education programmes to be run by existing providers:

  • Health Sciences University (formerly AECC) were given approval to provide both a full time and part time MSc Chiropractic (Pre-registration) programme at their London campus (formerly the University College of Osteopathy). This will provide a unique opportunity for interprofessional collaboration at HSU's London campus, as osteopathy programmes will be delivered alongside chiropractic education.
  • Health Sciences University were also given approval to provide a part-time MSc Chiropractic (Pre-registration) programme at their Bournemouth campus.
  • McTimoney College of Chiropractic were given approval to provide the first MChiro Chiropractic education programme in Northern Ireland at the Ulster University Health Sciences Magee Campus. This part-time course offers a unique opportunity for collaboration with the Chiropractic Association of Ireland and local stakeholders in both Northern Ireland and Ireland.

Following recommendations from the GCC Education Committee, both the HSU London campus satellite programme and the MCC Ulster campus satellite programme were approved with conditions.

The GCC Education Committee will closely monitor the progress of all the new courses as they develop and ensure that they meet the high standard of chiropractic education expected.

How does the GCC assure chiropractic degree programmes?

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