You wish to leave the register
Find out how to leave the register
Find out how to leave the register
If you are not, or do not intend to practise as a chiropractor in the UK, then you can either:
Apply for non-practising registration when you retain on the register
Allow your registration to lapse on 15 December
Apply for voluntary removal from the register at any time of the year. if you want to apply for voluntary removal from the register, please email you completed application and statutory declaration to
Allowing your registration to lapse or taking voluntary removal from the register will not disadvantage you in any way should you wish to return to practise in the UK in the future. If your circumstances change, restoration to the register is similar to transferring from non-practising to practising registration.
You may allow your registration to lapse at midnight on 14 December. But please note that, as part of the retention process, we are legally obliged to issue both a formal warning notice and a notice of removal from the register. These will be issued on 30 November and 14 December respectively and will contain legal information about your removal from the register.
Please email your application to
You can only apply for voluntary removal as long as there are no current fitness to practise proceedings against you.
You may take voluntary removal from the register at any date up to the end of the registration year (31 December) as long as you apply by 14 December.
To do this you will need to fill in the application form and enclosing a statutory declaration witnessed by either a solicitor, a commissioner for oaths, Justice of the Peace of Notary Public, to the effect that you are not aware of any matter which could give rise to an allegation under Section 20 of the Chiropractors Act 1994.
If you take voluntary removal and decide to restore your name to the register in the future, you will need to provide a completed CPD summary sheet. This needs to cover the period (in whole months) from when you last submitted your CPD summary sheet to the date your name was removed from the register.
Please note that we are unable to refund any part of your registration or retention fee to you if you decide to restore your name to the register following voluntary removal.
The Registrar may refuse to remove a registrant from the register in some circumstances, such as where there are disciplinary matters currently being considered. This is because it would not be proper for the Registrar to stand in the way of the investigation process and determination of allegations against a registrant.
If you retire from practise, in accordance with Section 6 of our indemnity rules, you are legally required to ensure that you have run-off indemnity insurance that covers historic liabilities. This means you must make sure you are covered for the whole period you were in practice.
Our rules require that we publish your full name, registered address and whether you are female or male.
Find out MoreFind out about the reduced registration fee and non-practising.
Find out MoreInformation for current registrants on how to notify us of a criminal offence
Find out MoreThis page is for registrants and sets out the difference between a certificate of current professional status (CCPS) and a certificate of registration status (CRS), to help registrants request the correct document for their needs.
Find out More